Mandeni Local Municipality (KZN291)

Geography, History & Economy

Mandeni Local Municipality is part of iLembe District Municipality.

MDB code: KZN291

Description: The Mandeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the iLembe District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It covers the area from the Amatikulu River to a line just south of Mtunzini in the north, and to a line south of the uThukela River just north of Darnall. It is the smallest of four municipalities that make up the district. The uThukela River is the largest river in KwaZulu-Natal, and was the historical border between Zululand and Natal.
 Mandeni Local Municipality is strategically located midway between Durban and Richards Bay, and lies on the development corridor on the north coast between these two major port cities in KwaZulu-Natal. It is located on the major railway and road transportation routes which link these two economic hubs. This strategic location is also acknowledged in the Provincial Spatial Framework, which has identified Mandeni as the growth node in the north coast corridor. The construction of the new Dube Trade Port and King Shaka International Airport has much economic, social and employment implications for the municipality because of its location.
 Mandeni is the only urban settlement of substance and functions as the service centre for a substantial hinterland. Mandeni consists of fragmented pockets of intensive urban settlement separated by areas of little or no development. Four rural settlements, Hlomendlini, Macambini, Mathonsi and Ndulinde, are each under an Inkosi. All are underdeveloped and have major backlogs in service provision. The municipality has no capacity to supply the whole area with electricity. Transport infrastructure is well developed, with a high standard of road and rail services into the area.

Area: 555km²

Cities/Towns: Isithebe, Mandeni

Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing (37%), finance, insurance, real estate and business (29%), wholesale and retail (19%), agriculture (5%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2023/24

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