Endumeni Local Municipality (KZN241)

Geography, History & Economy

Endumeni Local Municipality is part of uMzinyathi District Municipality.

MDB code: KZN241

Description: The Endumeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the uMzinyathi District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is located 290km north of Durban and 360km south-east of Johannesburg, with well-established road, rail and air infrastructure making the Endumeni region the geographic centre of northern KwaZulu-Natal. It is the smallest of four municipalities in the district.
 Dundee is the service centre for the abundant northern Natal, a town of learning and also the geographical and administrative heart of northern Natal. At the base of the Endumeni Mountain, the highest peak in the Biggarsberg range of mountains is Wasbank, a small town that time appears to have passed by.
 Dundee and Glencoe have well-established and serviced areas for light-to-medium industry. Their towns have a good, consistent supply of water, with six dams and a pipeline from the uMzinyathi/Buffalo River feeding the area. Regional offices of a number of state and provincial departments have been established here and Endumeni schools are renowned for their high standard of education. A large, well-equipped provincial hospital caters for the whole district.
 With its variety of service facilities, infrastructure, and a stable labour supply, Endumeni offers every opportunity for the businessman, industrialist and investor, as well as the tourist. The Endumeni region offers ideal opportunities for entrepreneurs requiring a distribution depot.

Area: 1 610km²

Cities/Towns: Dundee, Glencoe

Main Economic Sectors: Mining, manufacturing, electricity, trade, finance, construction, community services, transport - Source IDP 2024/25

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