Blue Crane Route Local Municipality (EC102)
Geography, History & Economy
Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is part of Sarah Baartman District Municipality.
MDB code: EC102
Description: The Blue Crane Route Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Sarah Baartman District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered by the Chris Hani District in the north, Sundays River Valley in the south, Amathole District and Makana in the east, and Dr Beyers Naudé in the west.
It is the second-largest municipality of seven in the district, accounting for 19% of the geographical area, and is an an administrative area. The municipality is named after the South African national bird, the blue crane.
Area: 11 068km²
Cities/Towns: Cookhouse, KwaNojoli (Somerset East), Pearston, Petersburg
Main Economic Sectors: Transport and communication (22.8%), government (18.8%), finance and business services (12.2%), manufacturing (12%), agriculture (11.3%), wholesale and retail trade (10.2%), community services (9%), construction (2%)
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