Umzimvubu Local Municipality (EC442)

Geography, History & Economy

Umzimvubu Local Municipality is part of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.

MDB code: EC442

Description: The Umzimvubu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Alfred Nzo District in the north-western part of the Eastern Cape Province. It adjoins KwaZulu-Natal to the north, the OR Tambo District Municipality to the south and east, and Matatiele to the west. It is one of four municipalities in the district.
 The municipality is predominantly rural and the majority of the population reside in rural areas. The majority of land is covered by dispersed low-density traditional settlements, with the exception of some areas around the two urban centres. There has been a significant migration towards the towns over the years, which is attributable to a preference by residents to live close to transport routes and urban centres.

Area: 2 579km²

Cities/Towns: eMaxesibeni (Mount Ayliff), KwaBhaca (Mount Frere)

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, electricity, construction, retail, finance, community services, mining, transport - Source IDP 2024/25

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