Matzikama Local Municipality (WC011)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002022/232021/222020/212019/202018/19
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially unqualifiedFinancially unqualifiedClean auditFinancially unqualifiedFinancially unqualified
Property rates49 55050 99652 73050 22143 225
Service charges211 021208 745183 739171 800158 551
Investment revenue1 4197942851 3703 312
Transfers recognised - operational90 00185 08882 29871 12164 102
Other own revenue35 33027 19635 135(2 477)60 152
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)387 320372 819354 187292 035329 342
Employee costs174 148170 133166 637156 384138 608
Remuneration of councillors7 5617 3547 2647 1636 935
Depreciation and amortisation1 26130 97219 63918 63816 959
Finance charges28 03917 83910 65910 2409 156
Inventory consumed and bulk purchases139 400145 662122 631117 63999 237
Transfers and subsidies1 7471 8881 6141 5121 249
Other expenditure40 19377 91658 76475 53364 231
Total Expenditure392 348451 763387 208387 109336 374
Surplus/(Deficit)(5 028)(78 944)(33 021)(95 074)(7 032)
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)39 33268 60353 14063 82737 751
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)2 1691 954-22 99333 633
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions36 474(8 387)20 119(8 254)64 352
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate-----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year36 474(8 387)20 119(8 254)64 352
Capital expenditure48 549(0)(0)-591
Transfers recognised - capital41 5021 295(336)7 55621 818
Borrowing1 201---9 572
Internally generated funds5 846(1 295)336663(26 638)
Total sources of capital funds48 549(0)(0)8 2194 752
Total current assets133 78766 41050 04147 96967 266
Total non current assets927 060881 270827 992781 433749 211
Total current liabilities191 385193 077(345 278)113 12187 317
Total non current liabilities188 116109 731106 20496 794101 417
Community wealth/Equity681 346644 872639 766627 743563 391
Net cash from (used) operating73 274197 152(19 888)--
Net cash from (used) investing(43 335)(71 513)(39 050)796322
Net cash from (used) financing----(4 732)
Cash/cash equivalents at the year end50 277145 977(43 681)15 08827 015
Unauthorised expenditure-14 4806 000--
Irregular expenditure85 18761 57330 019100 17277 451
Fruitless & wasteful expenditure14 6847 2261 808--
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2024 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022
Audited Outcome
A1 2021

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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