Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality (MP304)

Service Delivery Statistics

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 22 75622 75622 54620 13522 370
Number of domestic households/delivery points 19 75919 75919 54919 26821 503
Inside the yard 17 53517 53517 43417 43418 028
Less than 200m from yard 1 8711 8711 8721 5913 047
More than 200m from yard 353353243243428
Domestic households with access to free basic service 1 2501 2501 8281 8801 066

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 23 92723 44123 44123 14122 696
Domestic households with access to free basic service 1 2501 2501 8281 8802 164

Sewerage and Sanitation
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 23 18323 18122 62522 55521 597
Number of households using:
Flush toilet - public sewerage 15 40615 40615 27115 24114 917
Flush toilet - septic tank 486484484484484
Ventilated pit latrine 6 6136 6135 5585 5185 518
Bucket system 00000
Other 006346340
Domestic households with access to free basic service 1 2501 2501 8281 8801 066

Solid Waste Services
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 14 94314 94314 94314 94314 943
Domestic households with access to free basic service 1 2501 2501 8281 8801 066
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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