Polokwane Local Municipality (LIM354)

Service Delivery Statistics

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 207 403205 367172 641194 236194 236
Number of domestic households/delivery points 203 554201 518168 792190 478190 478
Inside the yard 147 934145 898142 601135 632135 632
Less than 200m from yard 16 17016 17016 87038 58638 586
More than 200m from yard 39 45039 4509 32116 26016 260
Domestic households with access to free basic service 6 80412 90612 90611 9107 820

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 286 873286 223240 544239 116230 177
Domestic households with access to free basic service 6 20911 87711 87710 89824 925

Sewerage and Sanitation
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 180 869180 701178 309167 196168 912
Number of households using:
Flush toilet - public sewerage 81 83981 67179 89172 62770 585
Flush toilet - septic tank 305305000
Ventilated pit latrine 94 56994 56994 56994 56994 569
Bucket system 00000
Other 307307000
Domestic households with access to free basic service 6 80412 70211 87710 8987 820

Solid Waste Services
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 104 078103 682103 537103 585103 463
Domestic households with access to free basic service 6 98612 99612 90612 1967 820
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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