Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality (EC101)

Service Delivery Statistics

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 16 73816 65817 46616 53516 286
Number of domestic households/delivery points 15 73415 65416 52415 55015 303
Inside the yard 15 24015 16016 03715 06314 892
Less than 200m from yard 494494487487411
More than 200m from yard 00000
Domestic households with access to free basic service 4 2658 0388 2778 1147 835

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 19 72219 72219 11019 10419 104
Domestic households with access to free basic service 4 2658 0386 0845 6063 319

Sewerage and Sanitation
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 16 55016 01616 93115 88015 783
Number of households using:
Flush toilet - public sewerage 11 32910 74511 66011 66011 660
Flush toilet - septic tank 2 2472 2472 247343746
Ventilated pit latrine 0505050282
Bucket system 00000
Other 2 2072 2072 207987287
Domestic households with access to free basic service 3 9887 5297 4357 0306 679

Solid Waste Services
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 17 11217 11216 93115 97715 977
Domestic households with access to free basic service 4 2677 7207 5077 4756 793
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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