Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality (DC7)

Geography, History & Economy

Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality comprises:

MDB code: DC7

Description: The Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the south-east of the Northern Cape Province. It shares its borders with three other provinces, namely the Free State to the east, the Eastern Cape to the south-east, and the Western Cape to the south-west. It is the second-largest district of the five in the province, but makes up almost a third of its geographical area.
 The district is comprised of eight local municipalities: Ubuntu, Umsobomvu, Emthanjeni, Kareeberg, Renosterberg, Thembelihle, Siyathemba and Siyancuma. Its main town is De Aar. Traffic flows through the region, linking the major industrial areas of the country.
 The area has a low rainfall, while the largest river in South Africa flows through it. Two of the major dams in South Africa, the Vanderkloof and Gariep Dams, are situated on the borders of the district municipality.

Area: 103 222km²

Cities/Towns: Britstown, Campbell, Carnarvon, Colesberg, Copperton, De Aar, Douglas, Griekwastad, Hanover, Hopetown, Hutchinson, Loxton, Marydale, Niekerkshoop, Norvalspont, Noupoort, Petrusville, Philipstown, Prieska, Richmond, Schmidtsdrif, Strydenburg, Van der Kloof, Vanwyksvlei, Victoria West, Vosburg

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (15.9%), manufacturing (3.38%), transport (14.4%), community services (25.8%). As contrubition to GVA - Source IDP 2022-27

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