Nquthu Local Municipality (KZN242)
Geography, History & Economy
Nquthu Local Municipality is part of uMzinyathi District Municipality.
MDB code: KZN242
Description: The Nquthu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality in the uMzinyathi District of KwaZulu-Natal. It is located along the north-eastern boundary of the district. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.
Isandlwana, the site of the historic Anglo-Zulu War battle that took place on 22 January 1879, is a well-known tourist destination worldwide. Nquthu Town is a small but stable urban area that has established itself as the primary commercial, administrative and service centre for the municipality as a whole. The town is an old ‘Japie Uys' town established in terms of Proclamation 67 of 1983. Nquthu is an isiZulu name meaning ‘the back of the head'.
The municipality is predominantly rural in nature, with expansive rural settlements being one of the major features. It is mainly accessed through the R68 linking Ulundi to Newcastle/Dundee. Other important roads through the municipality are the R33, passing through the northern areas, passing east of Nondweni before linking Vryheid with the R68. A gravel road links Nquthu with Kranskop.
Area: 1 962km²
Cities/Towns: Nquthu
Main Economic Sectors: General government (38%), wholesale and retail, catering and accommodation (16%), community, social and personal services (12%), transport, storage and communication/ICT (12%), manufacturing (4%), construction (6%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (6%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (2%), mining and quarrying (1%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2024/25
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