Nketoana Local Municipality (FS193)
Geography, History & Economy
Nketoana Local Municipality is part of Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality.
MDB code: FS193
Description: The Nketoana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District in the Free State Province. It is the second-smallest of six municipalities in the district, making up 17% of its geographical area. It was established in terms of Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 11 of 1998, and was published in the Provincial Gazette No. 109 dated 28 September 2000.
 The Highlands water flows into the Caledon River, then into the As River, and continues into the Nketoana River near Reitz and Petrus Steyn. The river passing near Reitz/Petrus Steyn is called Nketoana in Sesotho.
Area: 5 605km²
Cities/Towns: Arlington, Lindley, Petrus Steyn, Reitz
Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, retail business - Source IDP 2024/25
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