Langeberg Local Municipality (WC026)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002023/242022/232021/222020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/aClean auditClean auditClean auditClean audit
Property rates101 16396 63592 75859 48656 957
Service charges683 660604 081640 445553 025521 213
Investment revenue32 80428 80815 63710 44313 266
Transfers recognised - operational149 304136 198126 882117 748112 272
Other own revenue26 49545 39442 20736 73023 460
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)993 425911 115917 928777 432727 167
Employee costs270 125245 392222 433214 965194 952
Remuneration of councillors11 83010 81710 75110 70111 018
Depreciation and amortisation52 81246 99236 95936 60232 102
Finance charges21 93720 34416 24010 3835 436
Inventory consumed and bulk purchases532 522454 659459 049419 736358 625
Transfers and subsidies3 3352 2302 5012 1323 125
Other expenditure118 73194 599106 98076 87177 505
Total Expenditure1 011 291875 034854 913771 391682 763
Surplus/(Deficit)(17 866)36 08163 0156 04144 404
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)42 61134 62949 58328 36233 059
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)--1 3514784 595
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions24 74570 710113 94834 88182 058
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate-----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year24 74570 710113 94834 88182 058
Capital expenditure173 199112 87280 78965 089164 725
Transfers recognised - capital30 26037 75550 36428 36248 462
Borrowing-19 534-8 90015 895
Internally generated funds105 00247 15126 14620 10919 685
Total sources of capital funds135 262104 43976 51157 37284 043
Total current assets491 911563 328563 641424 475340 096
Total non current assets1 052 039927 930855 732807 547779 592
Total current liabilities332 635282 679294 051233 429118 902
Total non current liabilities166 357167 333156 181144 090181 163
Community wealth/Equity1 020 213970 536855 193819 623737 564
Net cash from (used) operating118 92525 39524 015(325 047)(702)
Net cash from (used) investing(121 896)(77 105)(59 249)3 022(13 891)
Net cash from (used) financing(76)(348)(40 095)(342)-
Cash/cash equivalents at the year end363 065306 497206 890(130 352)171 384
Unauthorised expendituren/a--4 708-
Irregular expendituren/a-2451 0972 702
Fruitless & wasteful expendituren/a37-7869
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2025 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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