Mahikeng Local Municipality (NW383)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002023/242022/232021/222020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/aQualified auditQualified auditQualified auditQualified audit
Property rates349 070389 752332 899301 731318 056
Service charges244 298253 097246 164247 460249 639
Investment revenue8 51110 8374 5886 2257 409
Transfers recognised - operational409 703460 661309 050360 629283 469
Other own revenue165 753130 809163 064(32 497)166 733
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)1 177 3361 245 1551 055 765883 5491 025 307
Employee costs354 397390 754346 709376 761341 817
Remuneration of councillors27 79130 30228 59029 26129 046
Depreciation and amortisation-64 75178 91680 123104 885
Finance charges1701 8022 3681 5602 053
Inventory consumed and bulk purchases77 303115 955102 216124 794141 133
Transfers and subsidies4 5314 0236 4994 5904 459
Other expenditure191 184621 956438 118471 213(16 474)
Total Expenditure655 3751 229 5431 003 4161 088 301606 919
Surplus/(Deficit)521 96115 61352 350(204 753)418 388
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)2 753-84 67994 83381 230
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)-3 802--24 135
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions524 71419 415137 029(109 920)523 753
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate-----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year524 71419 415137 029(109 920)523 753
Capital expenditure95 264123 898103 353127 717908 940
Transfers recognised - capital70 517109 17684 87171 112842 012
Internally generated funds24 5019 38114 112--
Total sources of capital funds95 019118 55798 98371 112842 012
Total current assets1 294 489708 612697 887598 931633 832
Total non current assets2 106 3472 011 1121 996 8171 952 9262 013 277
Total current liabilities1 135 408985 473828 531908 0981 072 367
Total non current liabilities368 525362 062503 401443 068430 199
Community wealth/Equity1 896 7061 365 1691 380 4801 199 096657 832
Net cash from (used) operating981 2581 065 747778 481747 5842 330 797
Net cash from (used) investing(104 588)(147 461)(101 576)(94 358)(76 228)
Net cash from (used) financing-----
Cash/cash equivalents at the year end1 071 6711 017 933795 345205 7602 075 489
Unauthorised expendituren/a163 9921 484 450120 803143 791
Irregular expendituren/a225 957222 843209 770219 600
Fruitless & wasteful expendituren/a22837 69656021 833
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2025 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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