Emalahleni Local Municipality (MP312)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002023/242022/232021/222020/212019/20
AUDIT OUTCOME n/aQualified auditQualified auditQualified auditQualified audit
Property ratesn/a700 378683 480648 002560 173
Service chargesn/a1 701 6531 703 3141 622 6581 529 770
Investment revenuen/a4 6342 8263 690-
Transfers recognised - operationaln/a504 718483 651419 676398 559
Other own revenuen/a803 125670 369592 294527 566
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)n/a3 714 5073 543 6393 286 3193 016 067
Employee costsn/a1 055 0301 041 166980 777905 077
Remuneration of councillorsn/a32 69429 54630 42324 057
Depreciation and amortisationn/a277 534277 349280 691298 464
Finance chargesn/a535 479276 342144 952364 959
Inventory consumed and bulk purchasesn/a1 674 7241 711 1851 403 5771 278 987
Transfers and subsidiesn/a8 82524 15231 11521 204
Other expendituren/a2 026 8271 583 5101 668 304884 860
Total Expendituren/a5 611 1124 943 2494 539 8393 777 609
Surplus/(Deficit)n/a(1 896 605)(1 399 609)(1 253 520)(761 542)
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)n/a211 775173 079194 668163 273
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)n/a49 02514 334--
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributionsn/a(1 635 805)(1 212 197)(1 058 852)(598 268)
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associaten/a----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the yearn/a(1 635 805)(1 212 197)(1 058 852)(598 268)
Capital expendituren/a304 25987 327221 3558 000
Transfers recognised - capitaln/a167 38644 237106 181(19 089)
Internally generated fundsn/a75 03438 292115 173-
Total sources of capital fundsn/a242 42182 528221 355(19 089)
Total current assetsn/a2 262 0302 318 9441 921 5393 041 553
Total non current assetsn/a6 607 7786 512 5516 513 2836 572 449
Total current liabilitiesn/a10 220 9218 775 8557 271 7995 892 810
Total non current liabilitiesn/a(15 205)1 5249 96531 963
Community wealth/Equityn/a(1 338 695)204 6291 460 5644 287 498
Net cash from (used) operatingn/a509 048575 115(2 270 250)-
Net cash from (used) investingn/a(199 250)(190 889)(151)(180)
Net cash from (used) financingn/a----
Cash/cash equivalents at the year endn/a319 562424 147(2 219 228)55 334
Unauthorised expendituren/a921 200909 860444 726187 222
Irregular expendituren/a154 223187 795198 888110 053
Fruitless & wasteful expendituren/a534 088273 785-335 474
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2025 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2024
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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