Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality (LIM333)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002022/232021/222020/212019/202018/19
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially unqualifiedFinancially unqualifiedFinancially unqualifiedFinancially unqualifiedQualified audit
Property rates138 299138 709129 626114 747119 183
Service charges690 221656 589499 552556 452482 916
Investment revenue19 6818 6337 2288 6789 639
Transfers recognised - operational513 178457 305529 750424 62017 896
Other own revenue97 462695 81978 571132 341462 936
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)1 458 8421 957 0551 244 7261 236 8371 092 571
Employee costs346 139333 845352 144311 115299 024
Remuneration of councillors27 79227 71527 03726 97727 051
Depreciation and amortisation118 472113 552109 337107 615127 793
Finance charges15 67721 59619 23714 90711 974
Inventory consumed and bulk purchases561 990545 402457 183427 059390 602
Transfers and subsidies57 88137 05534 97742 73750 297
Other expenditure338 461349 384125 342181 693302 088
Total Expenditure1 466 4131 428 5481 125 2571 112 1021 208 829
Surplus/(Deficit)(7 571)528 507119 469124 735(116 258)
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)122 762153 224109 25077 86948 394
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)---10 000-
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions115 191681 731228 718212 604(67 864)
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate-----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year115 191681 731228 718212 604(67 864)
Capital expenditure317 301294 557137 170190 264103 482
Transfers recognised - capital212 380217 951-99 55085 470
Borrowing7 99858 24790232 84718 012
Internally generated funds96 92318 359136 26857 861-
Total sources of capital funds317 301294 557137 170190 258103 482
Total current assets965 231946 685927 953679 169461 482
Total non current assets2 454 2732 419 9771 748 2041 690 4191 669 576
Total current liabilities358 169389 927372 395335 036334 002
Total non current liabilities210 308228 321234 619204 136200 760
Community wealth/Equity2 735 8362 066 6841 840 4251 830 4161 664 159
Net cash from (used) operating(1 191 821)(754 799)(11 803)203 938-
Net cash from (used) investing(168 682)(157 611)(130 005)10 412(4 638)
Net cash from (used) financing---20 000210
Cash/cash equivalents at the year end(1 213 041)(807 620)(71 592)276 38338 022
Unauthorised expenditure19 895108 05815 084-83 026
Irregular expenditure114 60568 71029 56547 7707 438
Fruitless & wasteful expenditure13 39026 4806 1675 9979 976
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2024 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022
Audited Outcome
A1 2021

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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