Thembisile Hani Local Municipality (MP315)

Service Delivery Statistics

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 77 68371 96072 65572 61472 614
Number of domestic households/delivery points 77 18771 46472 15972 15972 159
Inside the yard 68 15466 15466 84966 84966 849
Less than 200m from yard 1 7663 6933 6933 6933 693
More than 200m from yard 7 2671 6171 6171 6171 617
Domestic households with access to free basic service 10910957456456 558

Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesNo
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 82 33674 38874 38873 92573 925
Domestic households with access to free basic service 1091096755645 589

Sewerage and Sanitation
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 71 78571 78573 19557 88472 235
Number of households using:
Flush toilet - public sewerage 4 0804 0805 1185 1185 118
Flush toilet - septic tank 1 9911 9911 2421 2421 242
Ventilated pit latrine 14 52114 52115 64215 64215 642
Bucket system 00000
Other 50 69750 69750 69735 38649 737
Domestic households with access to free basic service 00000

Solid Waste Services
Does the municipality provide? YesYesYesYesYes
Number of households and non-domestic customers to which provided 91 08374 82274 82274 82274 822
Domestic households with access to free basic service 00000
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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