Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality (DC39)
Geography, History & Economy
Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality comprises:
- Greater Taung Local Municipality
- Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality
- Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality
- Mamusa Local Municipality
- Naledi Local Municipality
MDB code: DC39
Description: The Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality (previously Bophirima District Municipality) is a Category C municipality located in the North West Province. It is bordered by Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the north, and John Taolo Gaetsewe in the south, which is a cross-boundary within the Northern Cape. It is the largest district in the province, making up almost half of its geographical area.
The district municipality comprises five local municipalities: Naledi, Greater Taung, Kagisano-Molopo, Mamusa and Lekwa-Teemane. It is one of four districts in the province, with poor rural areas, formerly situated in the former Bophuthatswana homeland.
With the population situated in more than 470 villages and towns dispersed in a 250km radius (approximately 50km north to south and 200km east to west), this district presents unique management and organisational challenges.
Area: 43 753km²
Cities/Towns: Amalia, Bloemhof, Christiana, Piet Plessis, Pomfret, Pudimoe, Reivilo, Schweizer-Reneke, Stella, Taung, Vryburg
Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, construction, wholesale and retail trade, transport, storage and communication, finance, insurance, real estate and business services, general government, community, social and personal services - Source IDP 2022-27
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