Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality (NW396)
Geography, History & Economy
Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality is part of Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality.
MDB code: NW396
Description: The Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality in the North West Province. It neighbours the following municipalities: Maquassi Hills, Mamusa, the Frances Baard District and Magareng. It is one of five municipalities in the district. Lekwa-Teemane was established on 6 December 2000.
Christiana is an agricultural town situated on the banks of the Vaal River. The town was established in 1870, when diamonds were discovered in the river banks.
Not far from Christiana is the agricultural town of Bloemhof. It was founded in 1864 and established on the farm owned by John Barclay, who survived the HMS Birkenhead shipwreck in 1852. The place became known as Bloemhof (flower court) because of the lovely gardens that were planted there by Barclay's daughter.
Area: 3 654km²
Cities/Towns: Bloemhof, Christiana
Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, electricity, construction, trade, transport, finance, community services - Source IDP 2023/24
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