Frances Baard District Municipality (DC9)

Geography, History & Economy

Frances Baard District Municipality comprises:

MDB code: DC9

Description: The Frances Baard District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the far eastern portion of the Northern Cape Province. It shares its northern borders with the North West Province and its eastern border with the Free State Province. The municipality is the smallest district in the Northern Cape, making up only 3% of its geographical area. However, it accommodates the largest proportion of the province's population.
 It comprises the four local municipalities of Dikgatlong, Magareng, Phokwane and Sol Plaatje. Kimberley, which is where the district municipality is located, is less than 500km away from Johannesburg in the north, less than 1 000km away from Cape Town in the south, and less than 800km away from the Port of Durban in the east.

Area: 13 002km²

Cities/Towns: Barkly West, Delportshoop, Hartswater, Jan Kempdorp, Kimberley, Pampierstat, Ritchie, Warrenton, Windsorton

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (28%), finance (22%), trade (15%), transport (12%), mining (10%), agriculture (4%), construction (3%), electricity (2%). As contribution to GDP - Source IDP 2024/25

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