Zululand District Municipality (DC26)

Geography, History & Economy

Zululand District Municipality comprises:

MDB code: DC26

Description: The Zululand District Municipality is a Category C municipality situated in the north-eastern part of KwaZulu-Natal. It is the biggest district in the province, making up 16% of its geographical area. It comprises five local municipalities: Ulundi, Nongoma, uPhongolo, eDumbe and AbaQulusi.
 Vryheid and Ulundi are two urban centres of note in the district, respectively serving as a regional service and a regional and provincial administrative centre. The town of Vryheid is a commercial and business hub, while Ulundi Town is mainly an administrative centre and also the headquarters of the Zululand District Municipality.
 It is primarily a rural district. About half the area falls under the jurisdiction of traditional authorities, while the remainder is privately owned commercial farms or protected areas.

Area: 14 800km²

Cities/Towns: Louwsburg, Nongoma, Paulpietersburg, Pongola, Ulundi, Vryheid

Main Economic Sectors: Community services (37.3%), finance (16.7%), transport (9.1%), trade (11.5%), construction (2.8%), electricity (6.2%), manufacturing (5.9%), mining (2.9%), agriculture (7.5%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2022-27

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