Walter Sisulu Local Municipality (EC145)

Geography, History & Economy

Walter Sisulu Local Municipality is part of Joe Gqabi District Municipality.

MDB code: EC145

Description: The Walter Sisulu Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the west of the Joe Gqabi District in the Eastern Cape Province, south of the Orange River and Gariep Dam. The Orange River separates Walter Sisulu from both the Northern Cape and Free State Provinces. The municipality is the largest of the three in the district, making up half of its geographical area. It was established by the amalgamation of the Gariep and Maletswai Local Municipalities in August 2016. The Walter Sisulu Local Municipality has fairly diverse vegetation and is home to three distinct vegetation types, one of which – Eastern Mixed Nama Karoo – is recognised as a nationally significant biome. It is characterised by mountains, hills and valleys. This area is well known for its stock farming, of which sheep production is one of the dominating sectors. The streams and rivers team with fish, trout being a common species. Rock foundations have beautiful artwork made years ago by the founders of the area – the Khoisan.
 A thermal springs resort, named Aliwal Spa, is located within the municipal area and produces salty water, rich in minerals, from underground.

Area: 13 269km²

Cities/Towns: Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Jamestown, Oviston, Steynsburg, Venterstad

Main Economic Sectors: Government services, community services, transport and communication, finance and business services, manufacturing, agriculture, trade, construction

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