Jozini Local Municipality (KZN272)
Geography, History & Economy
Jozini Local Municipality is part of uMkhanyakude District Municipality.
MDB code: KZN272
Description: The Jozini Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the uMkhanyakude District in northern KwaZulu-Natal, and borders Swaziland and Mozambique. It is one of four municipalities in the district, making up a quarter of its geographical area.
Significant portions of Jozini have been neglected in terms of economic development. There is a great disparity between the level of service and infrastructure provision between settlement nodes such as the towns of Mkuze and Jozini, and the surrounding rural areas. Most of the rural area is associated with a lack of development, poverty and poor service provision.
The Lebombo Mountains and Makhatini Flats provide a diverse and beautiful terrain rich in local resources, including water features and fossil sites. Both Ndumu and Mkuzi Game Reserves can be found straddling the borders of the Jozini Municipality.
Area: 3 438km²
Cities/Towns: Ingwavuma, Jozini, Mkuze
Main Economic Sectors: Community and social services (12%), government (40%), finance (6%), transport (9%), wholesale and retail trade (13%), construction (4%), electricity (2%), manufacturing (3%), mining (4%), agriculture (6%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2023/24
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