Nyandeni Local Municipality (EC155)

Geography, History & Economy

Nyandeni Local Municipality is part of OR Tambo District Municipality.

MDB code: EC155

Description: The Nyandeni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located within the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape Province. It is bordered in the north by Mhlontlo, in the south by the Indian Ocean, in the east by Port St Johns, and in the west by King Sabata Dalindyebo. It is one of five municipalities in the district, making up almost a quarter of its geographical area.
 It is situated approximately 30km south of Mthatha and 50km north of Port St Johns, and is bordered by a 20km stretch of the coastal belt on the eastern part and Umzimvubu River on the western part.

Area: 2 474km²

Cities/Towns: Libode, Ngqeleni

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (1%), mining (2%), manufacturing (3%), electricity (2%), construction (6%), trade (19%), transport (9%), finance (17%), community services (11%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2022-2027

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