Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality (EC139)

Financial Results

All values: R'0002022/232021/222020/212019/202018/19
AUDIT OUTCOME Qualified auditQualified auditQualified auditQualified auditAdverse audit
Property rates143 505136 903126 225117 370106 330
Service charges298 635329 212252 150307 683275 883
Investment revenue4 6913 6522 8421 6941 502
Transfers recognised - operational280 180274 165240 493194 368182 071
Other own revenue114 04281 672101 06574 55559 194
Total Revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions)841 054825 602722 774695 670624 979
Employee costs339 471327 008329 821314 038290 138
Remuneration of councillors25 40524 83325 46826 09223 636
Depreciation and amortisation82 97662 48258 594360 56051 237
Finance charges202 58757 80439 79525 7611 948
Inventory consumed and bulk purchases315 093328 435280 173249 691247 889
Transfers and subsidies1 6161 5881 1134 452175
Other expenditure283 470334 235181 874234 672116 291
Total Expenditure1 250 6191 136 385916 8371 215 268731 314
Surplus/(Deficit)(409 565)(310 783)(194 063)(519 598)(106 335)
Transfers and subsidies - capital (monetary allocations)102 94354 53279 54641 29876 278
Transfers and subsidies - capital (in-kind)--51 718-54
Surplus/(Deficit) after capital transfers & contributions(306 622)(256 251)(62 800)(478 299)(30 004)
Share of surplus/(deficit) of associate-----
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year(306 622)(256 251)(62 800)(478 299)(30 004)
Capital expenditure12 111066 400(1 021)1 557
Transfers recognised - capital7 168-65 633(1 227)-
Internally generated funds4 94307672071 557
Total sources of capital funds12 111066 400(1 021)1 557
Total current assets591 866487 539369 695421 650360 308
Total non current assets1 739 0321 583 5131 543 9901 433 1701 765 871
Total current liabilities1 704 9381 361 078998 358859 032591 609
Total non current liabilities434 213160 864152 77832 91830 376
Community wealth/Equity191 747549 110779 951991 7131 480 763
Net cash from (used) operating242 459805 695930 641--
Net cash from (used) investing(12 111)-(66 400)-42 797
Net cash from (used) financing--(1 202)-164
Cash/cash equivalents at the year end294 719843 293908 08511 91545 089
Unauthorised expenditure487 900427 022189 203480 521141 878
Irregular expenditure416 200117 64052 65079 61139 882
Fruitless & wasteful expenditure135 700169 738122 4674 9576 288
SOURCEAudited Outcome
C1 2024 Q1
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2023
Audited Outcome
A1 2022
Audited Outcome
A1 2021

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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