uMgungundlovu District Municipality (DC22)
Geography, History & Economy
uMgungundlovu District Municipality comprises:
- Impendle Local Municipality
- Mkhambathini Local Municipality
- Mpofana Local Municipality
- Msunduzi Local Municipality
- Richmond Local Municipality
- uMngeni Local Municipality
- uMshwathi Local Municipality
MDB code: DC22
Description: The uMgungundlovu District Municipality is a Category C municipality located in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. The district is comprised of the following seven local municipalities, which are based in the accompanying towns: Impendle – Impendle, Mkhambathini – Camperdown, Mpofana – Mooi River, Msunduzi – Pietermaritzburg, Richmond – Richmond, uMngeni – Howick, and uMshwathi – New Hanover/Wartburg.
The main city of the area is Pietermaritzburg, which is both the capital city and the legislative capital of KwaZulu-Natal. uMgungundlovu is a water services authority and also a water service provider that continually strives to maintain its Blue Drop and Green Drop Status.
The district offers distinguished education facilities and is a retirement mecca for senior citizens. It also offers excellent sporting, commercial and health facilities. It is an important industrial, timber, dairy and agricultural hub that has a modern, sophisticated infrastructure with easy access to airports, the N3 arterial, and railway stations.
Area: 9 602km²
Cities/Towns: Ashburton, Camperdown, Cool Air, Dalton, Hilton, Howick, Impendle, Mooi River, New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg, Richmond, Wartburg
Main Economic Sectors: Community services (25-30%), finance (15-20%), manufacturing (10-15%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (10-15%), wholesale and retail trade (10-15%), transport and storage (10%)
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.