Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality (NW374)

Geography, History & Economy

Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality is part of Bojanala Platinum District Municipality.

MDB code: NW374

Description: The Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the south-eastern part of the North West Province and forms part of the Bojanala Platinum District. It borders Moses Kotane in the north and Rustenberg in the west. The municipality is situated on the N4 toll road from Pretoria to Botswana and acts as a gateway from Johannesburg to Botswana. It is one of five municipalities in the district.
 The area's rich environment and natural resource base provides opportunities for agriculture and slate quarry development. The area's mining activities are those related to diamonds, slate and aggregate sand. It has a strong competitive advantage in terms of its climate, biodiversity and numerous dams.

Area: 3 973km²

Cities/Towns: Derby, Koster, Swartruggens

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (15.8%), mining and quarrying (2.5%), manufacturing (19.8%), utilities construction (2.2%), wholesale and retail trade transport (10%), storage and communication (5.7%), finance services (5.4%), general government community (6.2%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2023/24

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