Makana Local Municipality (EC104)

Geography, History & Economy

Makana Local Municipality is part of Sarah Baartman District Municipality.

MDB code: EC104

Description: The Makana Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the Eastern Cape Province on the south-eastern seaboard and in the western part of the Eastern Cape Province. It is one of the seven municipalities in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality.
 With the cities of Port Elizabeth 120km to the west and East London 180km to the east, Makana Municipality is strategically situated between two of the province’s largest industrial centres. Both coastal cities are served by well-equipped container ports and have major airports linking them to Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.
 The Makana area has nearly a million hectares devoted to game. A range of public and private nature reserves span the area, from the world-famous Shamwari in the west to the magnificent Double Drift and Kwandwe Reserves in the east.
 Makhanda (previously Grahamstown) is the hub of the Makana Municipality and has more than 70 declared National Heritage Sites. One of these is the highest church spire in the country. Makhanda was founded in 1812 and is entrenched in historical events, from the 1820 Settlers to a 100-year-old university. It also hosts some of the oldest schools. It is the seat of Rhodes University, as well as other prominent and internationally acclaimed primary and high schools. Rhodes University is a 104-year-old internationally recognised institution with a well-established reputation for academic excellence.
 Each year, Makhanda comes alive with activity when the National Arts Festival comes to town. Visitors get the chance to see performances from national artists, experience the local markets, and get a taste of culture and indigenous cuisines.

Area: 4 376km²

Cities/Towns: Alicedale, Makhanda (Grahamstown), Riebeek East, Sidbury

Main Economic Sectors: Government (51.5%), trade (15.6%), finance and business services (15.3%), manufacturing (7.1%), agriculture (4.4%), transport and communication (2.9%), construction (2.1%)

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