Mbhashe Local Municipality (EC121)
Geography, History & Economy
Mbhashe Local Municipality is part of Amathole District Municipality.
MDB code: EC121
Description: The Mbhashe Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Amathole District in the south-east of the Eastern Cape Province. It is bound by the coastline, flowing from the Mncwasa River in the north to the Qhora River in the south along the Indian Ocean.
It borders the following municipalities: King Sabata Dalindyebo in the north-east, Mnquma in the south, Ntsika Yethu in the south-west, and Ngcobo in the west. It is one of six municipalities in the district.
The municipality earned its name from the beautiful river called Mbhashe, which flows through Dutywa (previously Idutywa), Willowvale and Elliotdale.
Area: 3 303km²
Cities/Towns: Dutywa, Elliotdale, Willowvale
Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture (1%), manufacturing (3%), electricity (2%), construction (4%), trade (32%), transport (5%), finance (13%), community services (40%). As contribution to GVA - Source IDP 2023-27
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