Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality (KZN434)

Employment Statistics

Employment Costs (R’000) 86 66284 09469 76564 74962 912
Remuneration of councillors (R’000) 10 37210 43610 05210 3049 902
Total Employee Positions 281276257278276
Total Vacant Employee Positions 312242
Total Vacancy Percentage 1.07%0.36%8.56%1.44%0.72%
Managerial Positions – S54A and S56 55485
Vacant Managerial Positions – S54A and S56 01141
Managerial Positions - by organogram 1515151313
Vacant Managerial Positions - by organogram 00100
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

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