Indaka Local Municipality (KZN233)
Indaka Local Municipality was disestablished and merged with Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality to establish Alfred Duma Local Municipality on 3 August 2016. All information displayed here is historical information relating to the municipality before being disestablished.
Geography, History & Economy
Indaka Local Municipality is part of uThukela District Municipality.
MDB code: KZN233
Description: Indaka Local Municipality is situated in northern KwaZulu-Natal and is a predominantly rural municipality. Indaka has no national roads running through it. The major road is the Helpmekaar Road, which runs from Ladysmith and joins the Dundee-Pomeroy Road (MR32).
Most of the community access roads are in very bad condition; some only exist as tracks. The rural nature of the municipality means that it has severe backlogs in infrastructure and is characterised by much poverty.
Area: 992km²
Main Economic Sectors: Manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, services
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.