Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality (KZN232)

Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality was disestablished and merged with Indaka Local Municipality to establish Alfred Duma Local Municipality on 3 August 2016. All information displayed here is historical information relating to the municipality before being disestablished.

Geography, History & Economy

Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality is part of uThukela District Municipality.

MDB code: KZN232

Description: Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality (ELM) is one of the five Category B local municipalities in the uThukela District Municipality.
 It is situated on the banks of the uThukela River within the region of northern KwaZulu-Natal and is bordered by the Greater Drakensberg Mountain to the extreme west. ELM comprises a range of settlements, from urban to municipal service centres, agricultural landscapes, industrial and semi-rural residential settlements.
 In terms of the macro socio-economic context, the municipality is midway between the national primary nodes of Johannesburg and Durban. To the west of the municipality lies the Free State province and to the north the Mpumalanga province. Bisecting the municipality is the presidential prioritised railway corridor, which links the areas of Durban and Johannesburg.

Area: 2 965km²

Cities/Towns: Colenso, Ladysmith, Van Reenen

Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, fishing and forestry; mining and quarrying; manufacturing; water; electricity; construction; wholesale and retail trade

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